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Customer Testimonials

My feelings about the Restoration Society’s Empowerment Academy were unsure at first. I am at a very low point in my life due to my unstable financial circumstance. Being broke and homeless makes the average person lose hope and focus. But this program gives a person like me a positive setting where I can figure some things out to better my life. The staff there is very welcoming and friendly. There are a lot of people who go through similar hardships such as me. The program provides a free lunch for all members that attend, so that’s kind of cool. We interact with each other with group activities that improves social, coping, and problem solving skills. One of the most pleasant parts of the program is that they have these brilliant interns that are easy to talk to and very down to Earth. Overall, the program is cool, I hope I benefit from coming and I plan to come back.


"I have learned that I do not have to be alone, I can come to RSI and socialize with people who will support me, not hinder me in my life and recovery. When I achieve goals there is always another level of support that allows me to choose my time and path, as I feel comfortable with. I am looking forward to continued growth within RSI and I am grateful for the peer support I am receiving."

What I like about the Restoration Society is it helps people find work by doing chores, working in the kitchen and snack bar. What I also like is that we go on trips.

I am a long standing member of the Restoration Society from the Elmwood Clubhouse, which is now the Empowerment Academy. It’s a great place to recover your life and to work on personal goals. The staff is there for your rehab and to help you with personal issues in your life. They have daily activities, workshops, and go out different places that have historic value. The staff is there for you. The Empowerment Academy is open seven days a week, some days longer than others. Let’s hope in coming months Saturdays would have longer hours and Sundays too. They have computers, workout machines, tournaments, card playing, pool, trivia, and much more! They are located on Elm at Genesee Street and are always looking for new members. They do specialize in the mental health field and with what diagnosis you have so stop and see Amanda, Jay, Sametra, Dennis, Renee, Eric, and Reece. They are all qualified staff in certain fields of Psychology.


ACE Employment was there for me at a time where I had no confidence in myself.  I'd had several good jobs, but it seemed like my anxiety was making it impossible for me to keep any job I found.  I was starting to think that someone with my condition could never work full-time.  But the job coaches at ACE believed in me and helped me focus on my strengths.  They gave me coping skills to get through the really hard days at work and even came in to coach me onsite while I was working.  I started out working part-time that was very hard for me, but after I gained confidence and coping skills ACE helped me to land a great full-time job that I love!  I am so thankful for their support.


My Journey… By, Jahneen

My journey to Recovery has been a long road, but I am slowly reaching my goals. I wanted to look for a parttime job as a receptionist in mental health. Restoration Society, Inc. (RSI) has helped me prepare for that position. Back in 2014, I started to work with RSI and meet my job coach Jon. He has been supportive and has helped me became ambitious in my job search. I shared with him that I’m looking for paid employment in the receptionist field and that I would volunteer in the field till a position becomes available. Jon then helped me to begin volunteering at the 66 Englewood location has a receptionist. With me volunteering there Jon could see my working skills and see if I could handle the job. I started volunteering about a month ago and it has been a rewarding experience to do what I love.

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